Lamm ML2.1 and Avalon Eidolon ?

I know that most of you will say that I sould get the Lamm M1.2 instead. The problem is that ... I already HAVE Lamm M1.2. It is a great amp but it still misses some soundstaging and midrange magic SET amps are famous for.

I'm curious If anyone actualy TRIED that combination ? My room is relatively small (14x19 feet) and I do not really listen loud. So far I have tried with great succes 16W parallel 300B amp and GM70 based, 30W SET amp, so limited wattage of ML2.1 shouldn't really be a problem.

(I know that 16W and Avalons may sound crazy for some ppl, but they worked GREAT).

Showing 1 response by czbbcl

It sounds like you already have tried the combination and like it; if that is the case then great. I personally think that you need more power to get the most out of the Eidolons.

I had a CJ prmier 11a driving my Thiel 3.6's and it sounded wonderful as well. But when I sold the premier 11a and replaced it with a premier 350 the speakers simply blossomed in ways unimaginable to me. And if I am not mistaken the Eidolons have a similar efficency rating to my Thiels. Which if true would leave me to believe they like power as well.
