Lamm 1.2 vs. Pass xa 60.5


I currently own a pair of pass xa 60.5 driving my vivid g3 speakers. I'm missing some juice out of the speakers (same conclusion reached by stereophile recent review with the same pair). I'm thinking of going with different amps and thought about lamm 1.2 hybrids. Anyone matched those 2 amps ? Any other opinion where to go after the pass 60.5 in the $15-20k budget ?

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I listened to those Pass Amps but I never bought them. I missed the emotion which is part in any music. They are precise but never moved me, no matter what kind of music I listened to. Real Music reproduction sounds definitely different.
The Lamm 1.2R are a different chapter. Excellent soundstage, true in tonal reproduction, able to deliver the emotion from the Artist or Orchestra when it is recorded properly. A huge step closer to the real thing reproduction. Even when you squeeze it, the sound quality never collapses or will be compressed (getting harsh in the treble like a lot of other designs do). It is definitely a serious amp.
I think it is helpful for a decision when we realize that we should take care of the following:
Amplifier power / Quality of tone

To buy power is no big problem, to buy good sounding amps generally is a bit more difficult and to look for good sounding high powered amps is a task. Not easy. Depends of course what the owner is looking for but low sensitive speakers can make life difficult sooner or later but see it with a car explanation, a low efficiency speaker is like a fat car, for example a Mercedes 500, your amp is like an engine. When you accelerate straight on, all is fine but when you drive small, curvy rads with a lot of speed changes, the MB500 can do that but it is work and you will feel, it is not made for that (Some say their System sounds better with some kind of music). Even with a bigger engine you have to move high mass (car weight) Same engine in a car with half weight (= a high sensitive speaker) and all those accelerations, curvy driving is easy like breathing. You have much more fun with driving, or with listening to subtle details.
I think, the Lamm units in general are very reliable. I never heard - or read - that any amp got a problem...such a "rumor" is unknown for me.