LAIV uDDC Arrived

It’s only been on a few hours and I like it a lot. I was wondering how much benefit I would get, currently using a Zen MK 3 and Denafrips Terminator 2, It’s been a very nice step up sonically and quite noticeable. Very impressed.

Soundstage has widened and has more depth. Super quiet black background. Instrument placement and sounds are spot on. Drums are really cracking, Spacial cues are very pronounced, great 3D feel, reverbs trail off longer, harmonized voices are very separated, you can pick out the placements of vocals and instruments.

Very pleased with this purchase. Built like a tank and connections were easy and immediate. 


Femto Clock is not necessarily less than an OCXO.  It all depends upon the implementation.

@jazzman7  That’s exactly what I was wondering, but if it’s a highly-evolved Femto clock I’d think they’d go into more detail on their site because it’s a critical factor.  I’ll go look at reviews to see if any more info on it, but there’s not much on their website that I could find and it’s not a small consideration. I have to say that if they don’t disclose much info on it that makes me think there’s nothing all that special about it.  We’ll see I guess. 

I don’t know a lot about clocks but me and my hifi friends hear a big sonic improvement on my system as I noted above, it’s a great sounding piece. Also has a nice lift on Coax and AES inputs. I’m actually pleasantly surprised knowing the T2 has a great clock. It’s a keeper!!!!

I should say I’m a fan of what LAiV is doing as a company and am rooting for them to succeed, and I’m asking about the clock purely out of curiosity. The fact that the OP realized significant improvements (as did I when I added an Iris to my system) indicates whatever clock they’re using in their DDC must be at least very good, but it’d still be nice to know more. I saw their DAC uses dual Crystek CCHD-957 clock chips that seem to be highly regarded so maybe that’s what they use in their DDC as well although I have zero idea how it compares to the excellent OCXO in the T2 — that’d be interesting to know. In any event I’m really glad you’re getting significant improvements with it because that’s all that matters. I too was surprised at the level of improvement from a DDC — very cost-effective upgrade, and in my case it was like making a significant DAC upgrade on the relative cheap. Anyway…

Noting further sonic improvements on days 2 and 3. Something interesting, My Bluesound Node 2i is receiving more benefit from the DDC than my Innuos Zen MK 3. May be tied to the Node is running off Coax and the Innuos is USB. Not sure if that matters but it’s consistently happening. I’ve noticed in the past the  2 units always provided a different presentation (soundstage width, layering and depth) but it’s really noticeable with the LAIV UDDC in line. The Node is much more 3D sounding. Cool stuff!!!!!