LAIV Harmony

New company with a new product.  There are several "professional" reviews out there, but not much consumer input here or elsewhere.  Those that have been using now for over a month, what are your thoughts?  What were you using previously and how does it compare?


Showing 6 responses by solarjam


 I was called to an audio friends house about  two weeks ago to here this Harmony Dac . He had ordered it based on reviews he had read and had taken the time   ( about 100 hours ) to break it in before he had me over . I was interested because I had read most of the reviews also.

I was quite impressed with the Dac and enjoyed it's overall tone and sound .

I decided to order one because of the close communication Laiv has been giving out to my friend and customers in general . I have a PS Audio Directstream Jr  Dac and I am very happy with it . But after listening to the LAiV Dac , I felt it was worth an honest try , with the 30 day return and all . 

But---- suddenly my friends Dac froze up on him . He contacted LAiV and the responded very quickly . Apologized and sent him a new board with instructions and a video on how to install it .

I am awaiting his response now and he is supposed to bring it down to my house so we can here it in my system.

 I ordered my around 6-7 and was told I would be notified as soon as they can ship.

Probably in July . Communication  with them as been very good and they always respond to my emails,

Hi  audiostick I will post that info as soon as I can get it down here to listen to .

My friend lives about an hour away and he is a busy guy .So I have not heard anything yet from him. He did tell me  , initially , that LAiV said that because of the modular boards it should not be a hard thing to do . I guess they were thinking of a quicker repair time if he does it . I agree . If it is kind of easy I would rather handle it myself . They also sent him a shipping sticker so that he can get it back  to them and  they can check it out.

All though I may be disappointed if this kind of thing happened to me . I do think it is being handled in a proper way and I will also keep you all informed of the  ongoing  situation . as best I can .

One more thing --- I should have my Dac in a few weeks . I will try and post a comparison between it and the Directstream Jr.  ( if this thread is still active at the time )

Although I have tried my Directstream Dac directly to my amp (variable volume control ) . I must agree with Koestner . A great preamp is worth its weight in gold !!

Just my 2 cents worth .

Hi Guys ,

 Just got through listening to the Harmony Dac here at my house yesterday for about 2 and 1/2 hours . My friend brought it over so I could here it before mine came in about 2 weeks or so (I hope). 

 My gear - Pass Labs XA-25 amp , Pass labs XP-22 pre amp , Aurender N100 server , Reference 3-A Taksim speakers and I use a PS Audio Directstream Jr Dac.

 I am not an official reviewer . So I'll do my best .

The harmony Dac is a very smooth and even keeled type of Dac . Nothing really jumped out at me at first. That is a good thing .

Its soundstage is not as forward or up front as much as the PS Audio. It has a nice laid back type of sound . Not all may like that , but I do . Very good resolution . So is the PA Audio . Some have said they heard things with the Harmony Dac that they had never heard on there own Dac . But I did not experience that . Resolution was top notch on both Dacs . The PS Audio was a little bolder  and somewhat forward with its soundstage and resolution . But there was a smoothness , relaxing type of sound that really struck me with the Harmony Dac. I will be listening more when mine comes . But for now I am leaning toward the Harmony Dac . There's just something about its nature that I like .


Will do audiostick . It did have well over 100 hours on it . I have been emailing Weng on and off for the past couple of weeks disguising the Dac , its sound , and my time spent with it. Here and at my friends house . Got an email from him this morning saying that mine will probably go out in the next day or two . He would send me tracking when it does. I placed my order around the first week or so of June . The reviews on it are quite amazing . I am sure you have checked it out .

Overall--- I was quite impressed with it . There is supposed to be a break in time .

So I will have to deal with that . But I will post my impressions as I go along .

Take care

smweber2 Glad to here you have received your Harmony . Mine was shipped a couple of days ago but because of the weekend i won't get it till Monday .

I will be posting info as I go along with my listening sessions also .

Congratulations !