laid back, warm interconnects with tight bass clean highs

can someone suggest RCA interconnects for a laid back, warm mids, tight bass and extended highs but not harsh at all. Must be super smooth.

Showing 2 responses by sean

The first commercial cable that comes to mind fitting your description would be Cardas. Sean
I forgot about Tara's and some of the Audioquest's might also work. A lot of it will boil down to being system dependent, personal taste and budget.

Thanks to Jonathan ( Jtinn ) for suggesting Jena Labs. I've heard / read about their stuff but never did any digging. Finally looked up their website and took a peak:

While i'm sure that the parts quality is quite high, the design of the IC's look quite high in capacitance. I did notice that they have NO technical specs whatsoever listed on their site. Given their reputation, i'm sure that they would be glad to divulge such info during a phone call though. Sean