laid back, warm interconnects with tight bass clean highs

can someone suggest RCA interconnects for a laid back, warm mids, tight bass and extended highs but not harsh at all. Must be super smooth.

Showing 2 responses by bluenose

Van den Hul lst and 2nd.....relaxing, smooth, the warm side of neutral but not too dynamic....great at low level retreival. When played at low volume they do not drop out the bass like some cables can.....all in all, a fine interconnect....I've owned both.....replaced with acoustic zen matrix......more expensive but another level......cheers, Bluenose.....welcome back everyone....
Madisonears, I agree with your suggestion of the siltech. I've hear generation 3 a year ago in my system. A friend brought over his interconnects and even with red dawn speaker wire the system simply made music I had never heard. Siltech can bring a system alive....cheers, Bluenose