Lacking Soundstage - Vandersteen 2C


I have been trying different placements with Vandersteen 2C speakers, but soundstage and depth have been elusive. The speakers are placed 2ft from the back wall and 2 ft from the side walls. One thing though, only the right speaker hads side wall next to it, the left one has a pillar (next to the entrance). The speakers are about 4 ft apart and about 8 ft from the listening position. The speakers are (now) toe'd in a bit, still cluttered soundstage.

Is there something wrong with the speaker placement?

Showing 2 responses by bondmanp

FWIW, I have a pair of 1Cs, and they are a bit under 5ft apart. I get great width, decent hieght, a little extension into the room, and no depth (55" RPTV sits between them). IMHO, the 4ft space between them is not the problem. Placing the speakers too close to the side wall might make things worse (soundstage and frequency balance). But, it seems to have worked, so, I'm happy for you! The tilt is essential. Also try different amounts of toe-in, or no toe-in. Also, make sure the 2Cs are level in the horizontal plane. Vandersteen has stressed the importance of this for his designs in the past. Use a good bubble level, making sure both speakers are level and even in hieght.
I have an asymetrical (sp?) room as well. I think this is the main cause of your channel imbalance, which I suffer from as well. I just deal with it, and made sure my preamp has a balance control. If you're like me, off-center vocalists (unless they're supposed to be off-center) drive you nuts! I'd experiment with toe-in. Also, tilt-back is important for Vandersteen speakers. I'd check with Vandersteen and look into appropriate stands that allow proper tilt-back.