Lack of Simaudio Home Theater

I recently listened to Moon products for the first time(Eclipse CD,P5 preamp, and W5 amp paired with JMLabs Utopia) and heard clarity and presence I'm not used to. The dealer didn't have any Sim multichannel on display, so I'm dying to see if the performance is anywhere close. I watch diligently for it on this site and elsewhere, but don't see much of it. I'm wondering if it's not selling well, or if people are just holding on to it. Any info, good or bad would be great since I want to revamp my modest system this spring. I won't be getting Utopia's anytime soon,(maybe someday!), but I'm hoping to replace my starters(Paradigm Monitor 5's), with Studio 100's. I have the CC370 and ADP170's in the rear, and I'm hoping they'll do for a while, since I need new components more than new surrounds. Sim has a new home theater set coming out soon, closer to my price range, so I'm hoping to see performance that WOW's me the way the two channel did. Maybe a dedicated stereo setup someday...

Showing 1 response by mthieme

Thanks for the responses,I haven't had chance to respond due to failing dsl modem. I agree with you both in that I need to upgrade my speakers and plan to. As I said before, I'm hoping to stay in the Paradigm line since I've read it keeps the voicing and tones similar in a theater setup. Do either of you have any experience with their Reference Studio series? Any other suggestions for a fair match with Moon? I would like to stay in the same price range(<2000)if possible. Also, if funds are not available I may go with Rotel's 1066 and 1095 combo. Any thoughts, room is about 11 x 18. Hopefully larger in the future.