Lack of popularity of Chord???

Hello.  I’m wondering if anyone knows why Chord products are so rarely discussed on this forum.  I own and love a Chord Dave DAC/headphone amp, and I’ve considered including a Chord amp to go with the Dave, but I’m wary of this choice because Chord seems so unpopular on this forum.  Not that it is a popularity contest per se.  But is there something I don’t know about Chord products in a full size system?  I t would drive Sonus Faber Sonetto V speakers. I’d be grateful for any and all feedback.
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Showing 1 response by thenewguy007

it is true that chord makes amp and preamps, they were an early adopter of switching class d amps, implemented in their own unique way, and the amps are expensive

You said it. Class D & expensive! Who wants to buy a amp like that?
I bet 90% of the money they charge for the amp goes into milling those gaudy aluminum chassis.