kuzma stabi

Anyone have experience with the original Kuzma Stabi turntable. Impressions? any thing to watch for? I have not been able to find a review

Showing 1 response by pryso

Hi Manitunc,

I own a Kuzma Stabi with Stogi Reference arm. It replaced my modified Well Tempered arm and table. I chose it after hearing the comparison at Guy Lemco's home when he was doing his review. I agreed with his write up except I found it was even more beneficial for maintaining steady tones, such as piano cords, and had deeper and more impactful bass.

I consider the arm and table to be very well engineered and constructed. It is substantial. Other than belt replacement, mine has been trouble free for about 15 years.

If you happen to own any reissues done by AcousTech Mastering you may note the Kuzma Stabi/Stogi combination was good enough to serve them in their mastering work.