Kubala-Sosna Sensation

Has anyone compared directly the new Kubala-Sosna Sensation interconnect to the MasterBuilt Ultra interconnect or the Cardas Clear Beyond interconnect?

Showing 1 response by scothurwitz


I am unable to answer your specific question as I have not compared the two cables you are asking about. I can offer you my opinion regarding the Kubala Sosna Emotion series. 

First thing is you should know about me as an audiophile, I am very picky and will not settle for good, in my opinion, it must be great. A lot of my friends laugh at me because I will buy a piece of gear, it might be a preamp, it might be a pair of speakers. I’m in the industry and one of my closest friends owns a hifi store so He gives me what he sells for his cost. If a piece is supposed to be great I will buy it and put it in my system and make sure it is completely broken in before I make any decisions. This may take 6 months, it might take 18 months. Like I said, if it’s not great because chances are I got it at cost, I will sell it.

I have found out over the last five years that there is a lot of gear out there that is supposed to be great and turns out to be mediocre at best (in my opinion). In the last five years I have tried a lot of products and wound up selling most of them. There are just two products that I just won’t get rid of because I feel they are truly great. One of them is my Pass Labs XA30.8 class a stereo amp. That amp is just a giant killer. The other “keeper” product is my entire loom of Kubala Sosna “Emotion” power cords, speaker wire and interconnect. No matter what I put at the front end of the system or what speakers I am using it always sounds so “right”. From top to bottom, for me, it just has no weak points. It is very natural sounding and does everything you would expect from a great cable Most importantly it ALWAYS remains so musical. It is also one of the most well balanced cables I have heard. Now the “Sensation” is supposed to be better but The “Emotion” is so good I have no desire to try it. I hope that helps you and good luck with whatever you choose.
