Kubala-Sosna Sensation

Has anyone compared directly the new Kubala-Sosna Sensation interconnect to the MasterBuilt Ultra interconnect or the Cardas Clear Beyond interconnect?

Showing 2 responses by fastfreight

I have fairly high end equipment, Audionet Max amps and Pre G2 with Mola Mola Tambaqui DAC.  I would categorize my system as true and revealing in a wonderful way.  Do not say over-etched. Wires (are) were all Audience AU24SX, which I demo'd along with Audience Front Row cables and also Synergistic PC's.  So now I got three demo KS Sensation to try!  Two interconnects and speaker cables with jumpers.  Well, a couple of things.  First, even inserting one Sensation cable tuned things quite a bit.  The sound is definitely fuller, with larger soundstage and more ambience.  There is just 'more going on' with the Sensation.  Female vocals are very different.  With the AU24SX, the vocal is much more light and airy, less musical weight, and more  'by itself'.  With the Sensation, the midrange is much more filled in, the bass more organic (Old Yes) and the overall presentation is warmer.  Both sounds are nice, and it took much A/B comparison (I used a Y splitter to two preamp inputs from the DAC so I could switch back and forth readily.  By the way I also did this with the AU24SX vs the Audience Front Row; here I thought the AU24's delicate nature was smoother and less fatiguing.  But with the Sensation, it is like you get the benefits of the extra information and ambience, without the glare or grain that 'hurts my ears'.  This possibility definitely exists with my set up, vs Tube gear or perhaps Pass amps.  I was truly hoping to prefer the (slightly) less expensive AU24SX, but now that I have hear them....oh well.
Hi jafant,

Bill Parish, GTT Audio.  Super nice guy.

Audionet, Mola Mola, KS, YG

Thanks!  Ken