Kubala sosna new Elation cables

I will be very pleased to know if you have heard the news cables from Kubala Sosna, the elation series and how it compares to others great and expensives cables. thanks
No, not at all... I figured it was a compliment too, especially since you were willing to buy yesterdays news for yourself.

Hey, Reprince thank you so much for giving us your first impressions. So far it sounds pretty good, I can't wait to hear more.

So this is all with demoing one cable. I'm surprised that they didn't give you an already broken in one to demo.

Will they let you demo more than one cable at a time?

I love the Emotions too, I was listening to them tonight and they still astonish me how good they perform in my system. I rarely feel like I'm wanting more, but I also say bring it on. But, if I had one wish to improve on the Emotions, it would be to improve on their transparency; lets say from an 8 to a 9, with 10 being a live performance in my living room.

I imagine that I could have listened to a whole set, except that Joe tells me he's so busy filling orders for the cables, he doesn't have a full set to take with him (plus, in my system, there is an exceedingly long run from my preamp to the crossovers for my speakers-I'd need to borrow a 35 foot pair just for that run). My dealer doesn't have a full set either. The pair I listened to was basically made up at the factory for me to listen to--I told Joe and my dealer that if I liked it, I had just enough saved up in my audio slush fund to buy it, and they both felt confident enough in the product that they figured they had a sale. Given the high price for the cable, it will be years before I can replace the whole system--fortunately the Emotions are good enough to make the wait easy.

By the way, one thing worth mentioning--although the cables are about the same diameter as the Emotions, they are substantially heavier, and are also far less flexible. Certainly not as inflexible as my old NBS Omegas, but definitely not as easy to work with as the Emotions.
I am currently auditioning a set of Elations in my system - speaker cables & 1 set of interconnects. I was figuring that I would say, "Very nice, but no match for the Nordost Valhallas that I have been running for about 3 years," and be done with it.
But it's not going as expected. I am hearing deeper into my music and a cleaner soundstage. The sound is more (and I hate to use the over-worked and relative term) musical. I am still testing, but I expect to be listing my Valhalla stuff soon...
quote: Certainly not as inflexible as my old NBS Omegas

which Omegas ?

could you tell how the K.S. compare to the NBS ?

Been too long (5 years) to give a meaningful comparison. I had the top of the line Omegas (some call it Omega Zero), and I do recall that it was a close call between it and the K-S Emotion. I ultimately felt the midrange and the overall tonal balance of the Emotion was a little more to my taste, more natural sounding, than the Omega. All IMHO, of course; some of my friends who heard the system liked the Omega better. And there was no question that the K-S was a lot easier to deal with, physically, than the NBS. I think the new Elation tends toward the Omega's transparency, but still retains the midrange and tonal balance of the Emotion.