Kubala-Sosna Elation Speaker Cables

I am presently using a pair of Kubala-Sosna Fascination speaker cable in my system. My system net worth is about $18-20,000 excluding cables. The CD player is Roksan M3, Pre-amp is Vinnie Rossi Lio with tube stage, Power Amp is Vinnie Rossi VR120 (Solid State). Speakers are Dynaudio Focus 260 floorstanders with Dynaudio Sub 600. The system is fairly neutral but tipped to mid/upper frequencies.

There is a pair of Kubala-Sosna Elation speaker cable for sale here on Audiogon. The temptation is killing me to purchase them but at $4800 there are reservations. I am not in a position to audition them first so I will have to purchase them.

My question is: Do I need a much more expensive system to appreciate the Elation's full potential or will the step up to them be considerable regardless of the cost level of my system?

I realize it is a hard question to answer definitively so I guess it is probably for those who have made an A/B comparison at some time.

Thank You!


Showing 1 response by rcprince

The Elations would, in my view, be overkill and might upset the balance of your system.  Your system seems to be nicely balanced as it is, and the Fascination is not an overly bright cable.  The Elation will be considerably more extended at both frequency extremes and much cleaner sounding (I have noticed that about the entire K-S line), so if your system is tilted to brightness now it might be more so with the Elation.  It is a great cable, but it might reveal more about your system than the music it's playing, not a good thing, IMHO.