Kubala Sosna and Virtual Dynamics - Similar??

I have gone through the Forums and checked on the comments and write-ups on both brands. Both are rated highly, especially for the KS Emotion and VD Master and Revelation ranges.....

I would like to know how similar these cables are in terms of sonics for Speaker cables and Power cords...

It seems that VD is hugely popular at the moment and KS is used by a select few....

Where I am, there is no dealer available, therefore I have to rely on your comments and suggestions...KS doesnt allow international trials and have not checked with VD..

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Showing 4 responses by fplanner2000

Jafox- I wasn't going to comment further, but decided to since my experience has been quite different from yours. I think we are also obviously listening for different things, at different relative seating positions to the presentations and probably also to different music. That having been said, when I put a VD Revelation PC on my VAC Phi 2.0(tubes) and Revelation Sig ICs between my APL-modded Denon 3910(tubed) and the VAC, "harmonics/textures/decays" INCREASED and pretty dramatically, compared to the PADs I had. So, I would venture to say you had a unique experience in a unique situation and leave it at that. To try to extrapolate or infer any more from that at this point doesn't seem supported by the facts as you've related, IMHO.
Since you're now down to CD source, if I follow correctly, my input is once again VD. I just replaced an Epiphany X PC on my APL-modded Denon 3910 with a VD Genesis and the difference is staggering. Much better bass and lower midrange (hearing notes not present before) as well as much more musical, dynamic and better imaging. I also have VD Revelation Sig ICs on the 3910 and yes, there is something to be said for the synergy, IMHO.

For room treatment suggestions, I would call Echo-busters. A small (relatively) package brought me a large improvement.

For a CD source, I would try to find a used APL-modded 3910. They are worth several times what you will pay for one, especially if it is tubed and recently upgraded. Again, IMHO. Good luck.
Interesting comments - my experiences were somewhat different with the VD and PAD cables. With PAD I got a "middle of the hall" and somewhat "veiled" presentation, which I didn't care for at all. On the other hand, VD puts me in the front row, where I want to be. As far as decay and depth of soundstage are concerned, I am getting plenty of both in my system using VD speaker cables, so my conclusion is that cables are obviously very system- and listener-dependent. Music preference also plays a role here.

John - One thing that I did notice about my Revelation speaker cables is that they took a LONG time to break in properly (750+ hours - 2+ months). Hopefully Rick mentioned that to you and you put at least several hundred hours on them before coming to any meaningful conclusions.
As you say, you have no baseline for comparison. I would put the Oppo back in, let it run for a few days, and listen. Alternatively, put your old cord back in the system with the new player and listen for a few days first. Either of these suggestions will give you some sort of a baseline, which you totally lack at this point and are therefore unable to evaluate the VD cords really at all, since you introduced another unknown variable.

Additionally, a new VD PC will probably make a more pronounced difference plugged into the CD player than the pre-amp. I would therefore really try to make that work - the cable bending can be a challenge, but is definitely doable with a little thought. For example, my CD player is 5' off the ground and I have a Genesis PC attached(a lot bigger and heavier than yours) with no problem. I'm sure many others have gone thru similar gyrations so you are by no means alone. Obviously we feel it was worth the drain bramage. Good luck