KT88 vs 6550 tubes

I recently got a quad of EAT kt88 tubes for my Mcintosh MC275. Those are supposedly revered as one of the best. However, less than 10 hours one of them had a spark of fireworks in it and shorted the fuse. I heard KT88s are in general not as reliable as 6550. Is this true? 

I thought also that KT88 and 6550 are interchangeable in the MC275 without any additional bias adjustment. The original 6550 tubes in it has been working for a long time without issue.

Showing 2 responses by dentdog

I probably have 50 or so 6550s or KT88s. Unless you want the NOS Tung Sol 6550s which are pricy, the Genelex Gold Lions are a pretty good choice. I've had the 275s and have been running MC60s for the last few years. The reissue Tung Sols have really good "shove" but are just slightly grainy. Sophia Electric very resolving but the bass isn't quite there. Good tubes though.
I do have a matched quad of NOS Tung Sol 6550s three hole grey plate which have never been unpackaged. I've never sold anything on Agon but would list them if you're interested. The bass, while not light, is just a bit tubey. Voices and instruments are by a good measure more real. Got them from Tube Depot I believe.
If you want the ultimate tube I just saw some NOS Black Plate Tung Sol on Tube Depot, the tube the original 275s were voiced with. $650 each (whew). But they are the best ever made, or so I've heard. If you are keeping the 275s for the long haul these may be of more value to you than may be apparent. Like the grey plates, but supposedly the bass is the best of all. I've been watching for 5 years and these are the first NOS Black Plates I've seen. 

My experience is that the vintage NOS tubes are considerably more reliable.
As for Ebay while I have bought successfully there, when it comes to high dollar output tubes I am hesitant. 
I wil say that the tubes you use in these amps can make a big difference.
Input and driver tubes can influence things greatly. Siemens-Halske 12AT7s are quite nice. RCA 12AX7s seem to round things out. Good bass. Andy at Vintage Tubes provided my AX7s.