KT-77 vs. KT-66

As I've had my QS Mono 60s, I've tried a variety of tubes. I have sold off my KT 150s, and use KT-88s from time to time, but what I really love are KT77's.

I'm thinking of getting some KT66s, thinking that lower powered tubes are better (to my ears) matches for my system. I just don't know what the KT-66's sound like. 

Question: If you have compared KT77 and KT66 tubes, what would you say the sonic, audible characters of each are? Is there a difference you can hear? What does the KT66 sound like -- to you?


Showing 1 response by knotscott

They’ll sound different in different circuits. I’m running GL KT66 in my Dyna/VTA 70s, and prefer them over any of the 6CA7s and EL34s I’ve tried. Midrange and lower treble are clear and lush. Bass had more extension with the Nesstone 6CA7, but the KT66 only feed the midbass and tweeter from 80hz+, where they do extremely well.