KT 170

I haven't tried the KT 150's yet, now this-
" With the success of the KT120 and KT150 they dialed things up yet again with the KT170 which has a plate dissipation of a whopping 85 watts! A pair of these badboys can put out 300 watts." That's a lot of juice!

Price isn't too shocking, comparing it to the KT 150.

PL owners, Buy them and report back. 

Showing 2 responses by cymbop

I'm super happy with my Ayon KT150 amp.  15 months on same power tubes and I haven't noticed any degradation.  

But it's tantalizing to think about trying this new 170.  Doesn't look much more expensive than the 150!
I asked Ayon USA about the 170 and they said:

So yes we tested the KT 170’s and as with anything new they are quite unstable. Same thing happened with the 150s when they first came out and over time Tingsol fix them right up.
Our recommendation definitely stay with the 150s.

So, maybe eventually they'll relent.