Kronos Sparta or TechDas Air Force III?

Hi all,

I have the opportunity to buy one of them. They are both used but with one year warranty. Soon I will have the chance to listen to the Kronos, but it is difficult to listen to second and this is why I need your opinion and experience.



Proper vacuum clamping, like that employed by Basis and Sota, enhances pitch stability without any ill effect. In that regard you would think you were listening to a digital source. A record that is not perfectly flat alters pitch. An unsupported record resonates. Vacuum clamping controls that energy by passing it on to a much larger mass, the platter. 

IMHO the Kronos is a silly design and not worth a second look. The Air Force III is a serious piece of work and has a significantly better bearing system and vacuum clamping. I would never buy one because I think it makes a relatively simple situation much more complicated than it needs to be. The turntable I would buy is the Dohmann Helix 1 as soon as Mark gets his vacuum system and isolation dust cover done. The wheels of progress are unfortunately, slow. Patience is a virtue. 

Why is the Kronos a silly design? It seems to me to be an honest attempt to address issues that plague any belt driven turntable. Whether it works well or not in that capacity is a matter of the opinion of those who own and use it.

So full disclosure I am a TechDas III premium owner and very satisfied.   Until you actually try a vacuum hold down from TechDas you probably shouldn't be commenting on the system.     They are a well established company and a subsidiary of Stella.   They will be around a long time.   

Ciao rsf507,

il mio hifi pusher ( 😉 ) sold me a brand new AVID Classic + Benz LP cartridge for a great price. I reused my beloved tome arm, SME V (which is the perfect AVID companion) .

AVID is great, simpler to manage and robust as a tank. Sparta has 2 engines therefore the probability that you can be in trouble is twice .. Tech Das is not well supported in Italy.

Anyway, the TT cable is FM Acoustics and I reused it too.

Thanks for asking me. Next step will be interconnect cables.