Krell or Mark Levinson with Revel Ultima2's???


I know the ML amps and Revel speakers make a solid match, but given the recent changes in ML, I have some issues with buying their amps right now. I would also like a SLIGHTLY more forward presentation than the ML/Revel combo does, though I could easily live with it and be quite happy.

I am considering either 5 ML 436's or Krell Evo 403/402 to power Revel Ultima2 Salons front Studio surrounds and Voice center. Pre/pro is a Meridian 861v4 and several sources exist including Esoteric DV-50s, Meridian G98DH, Toshiba HD XA2, Samsung BDP-1200.... you get the main idea. Cables are Transparent reference for the front so far and likely will be reference for the surrounds when all is said and done.

I can't find any one nearby who sells Krell, Levinson and Revel to compare them so am seeking anyone with experience of these combo's to chime in with your thought and opinions.

All help is appreciated!


Showing 10 responses by kennyt


You know me well enough to know I have no problems buying things!!! I just am so damn on the fence on this one it's killing me!!

Well, I ordered the five ML 436's last night.

Done, off the fence....... for now!
Thanks for all the input guys. I am obviously trying to get some first hand experience with the combo, that might take some driving but that is OK. Part of the fun of this hobby actually!

Well, I never got the 5x436's as they were backordered so I took a 433 for a while but have had the Krell Evo 403 for a few years now, you just can't beat the bottom end on the Krells and the new Evo line (esp the 'e' models) are insanely good!

I never went with the Salon 2's, now running Wilson Sasha W/P's and the Center 2 with a Krell Evo 403 and thinking about going to the 600e mono's. Also added the Classe' SSP-800 and ARC 40th Anniversary preamp (still burning in now!) pre for 2 channel.

LOVE the Krell evo amps and the newer 'e' models are even a bit clearer than mine! Just not sure where I want to go with this.....

I had the ARC Ref 5 for over a year and have only a few hundred hours on the AE so not yet fully burned in (my Ref 5 improved to ~650 hours!) The EMM Labs combo made my Esoteric DV-50s sound harsh and cheap, I tried to just buy the DAC2 SE and use the Esoteric as a transport but the EMM TSD1 was SO much more musical I bought both pieces.

The Ref 5 and even a bit more so the AE have amazing control and detail of the bottom end, as do the Krell Evo amps and the Wilson Sasha's can do some serious bottom end as well, so the bass is exceptional and the rest is detailed and smooth so totally not fatiguing. I really like this combo and it is the best set up I have had to date. Sounds awesome for HT as well!
I tried some CAST cables (original ones I think) and they were nothing when compared to Transparent Reference, much less the Ref XL.

YMMV but CAST didn't work well for me when I ran the Evo 707 to the 403.
I did not try the Nordost or Transparent CAST, but for me the original Krell CAST cables sounded a bit anemic and thin compared to my balance Transparent Ref and Ref XL.

I might even still have a pair of 10m runs if you want them..... (can't now remember if I sold them or not!)

He said he had not heard the 600e's. The 'e' model is a significant improvement over the original Evo amp line.

Steve, The Ayre are very good amps, but in my rig their is nothing fatiguing about the Sasha so I too have no need to 'upgrade' besides I think the smaller Sasha's could benefit from the bass of the Krell amp so will likely stay their for now.