Krell KSA250 need services? When?


I noticed that some Krell owners send in their amps to Krell to recap or whatever. How do I know when and what kind of service is necessary? Mine is about 9 years old but may be used about a few hours a week the most on average and everything seems to be fine. Thanks for the advice in advance.

Showing 1 response by sogood51

One day in the future you will push the power botton..the blue light will come on: BUT, you will not hear a click! Thats how a lot of Ksa-250's wind up back at Krell. The protection circuitry will be engaged and it will be time to go in for the full treatment (about $400). Mine went in about 1.5 years ago..shipping is about $150 air (one way), thats the killer!! Use Krell's shipper when the time comes, they will give you the number and I think they are called Ocean Air.
