Krell KAV400 VS Musical Fidelity A300 A 3.2 A3.5

I could not find any threads dedicated to this seemingly obvious comparison.
Both SS integrated amps. Both a easily available in US and from Audiogon.
Both have plenty of power.

However my question is : For Classical and Jazz which one would be your preference and why?
I listen only to LPs if it matters.
Thank you.
I appreciate your responses.

Showing 6 responses by audiofeil

>>DKzzzz, you are either a liar, a fool or an imbicile<<

Why, because he doesn't agree with you?

Appears to be the pot calling the kettle black.

BTW, it's imbecile not imbicile.
Dkzzzz is right.

I talk to dozens of customers and potential customers every week and virtually nobody is interested in Krell anymore. With the influx of new and more innovative manufacturers and products, Krell has lost its's position as a premier brand. Nice home theater but dinosaur high end.


You can cry and piss and moan and whine all you want Dave but that's the reality of the situation.

Of course when all else fails and you have no substantive argument you can always start calling Dkzzzz names again.

Works for you.
Dave, your callous disregard of DKzzzz's findings and name calling are the issues here, not my inventory. That is totally irrelevant and not germane to the thread.

Your attempt to dismiss what he hears as folly only reflects the myopic and narrow minded view you have regarding high end audio.

As I stated earlier, audiophiles have wised up and moved away from the overpriced and overrated brand you coddle and find so interesting. If you had the opportunity to hear and audition as much gear as I do in a week's or month's time you'd understand more clearly.

Instead you sit back and continue to believe your Desoto is the only transportation on the road.

Go figure.
>>I have been one of the biggest critics of krell here on A'gon<<

Not true.

You've been one of the biggest cheerleaders.

Also with MIT and Transparent.

Check the posting history.
You'll have to forgive him Elberoth.

He really has no clue.

Check his posting history for verification.
I promote none of my products here Davey boy. I go out of my way in not doing that. Please pay more attention.

What you have experienced directly is a very narrow slice of the audio world and that is quite evident.

One need only to do a posting history to understand this.

In closing please understand I've owned more components than you've heard.