Krell KAV-400xi or MF Tri-Vista with B&W or ProAC

I have been juggling in my mind about the above combinations of Amp with either B&W N803 or ProAC D38.
Anybody has heard or used any of the combinations??
I just replaced my 3.5,s with 3.8. Huge improvement! My friend replaced his 3.8,s with D-80,s He,s mad because he says my system sounds much better than his! Hes driving his spks with Vac 70-70 , Me with Atma-sphere MA-1,s Is he under powered?

I recently replace my ProAc 3.8s with the new ProAc D80. The D80 is absolutely fabulous and dramatically better than the 3.8. I have not yet heard the D38 but understand that it is an improvement over its predecessor, the 3.8
Get ready for this!!! My local dealer lent me some D38's to break in for him as he doesn't have room at the moment. I am driving them with a UNICO 80watter from Unison Research. They are simply stunning in every sense. I have heard a tonne of gear over the years and so far nothing has compared in this price range. I did listen to the new D100's last night on the Krell 700watt monos and they were impressive but I'd rather have the cash and wouldn't feel like I was missing a lot. If you have the time listen to these speakers on any good quality intergrated, I'm sure you will be impressed.

My two cents
I do not have experience with the amps you list, but I have owned the N803's and will give you my experience. I used them with a Levinson No.383 and a BAT Vk200/Vk30, I also heard them briefly with a friends Plinius SA100 and Rogue 99 Magnum, all these were 'ok'. When I swithed to the Rowland Concentra II the N803's came to life, I find this an excellent match! I too was thinking of selling the N803's for ProAc's, but I find the amp change changed the speakers dramatically. You don't list what amp you currently have whereas we could state whether the ProAc's would mate well with it.