Krell KAV-300iL Anyone own or heard

In the past there has been much said of the original 300i
being "bright or forward"...maybe yes, maybe no. I would
like to hear feedback from people that own or have heard
the new 300iL.

Showing 1 response by snooker14

I have had the Krell 300i, Classe Cap150 and the Levinson 383 in my home for various lenthgs of time. I returned the Krell as soon as I was able to compare it with the Classe. The Krell was too in-my-face and bright while the Classe was very satisfying and cost less. Later I bought a Levinson 383, much more expensive, and in the end the Classe had to go. Sold on audiogon for a decent return. I do not know about the "L" version but in the Krell room at the New York show I felt exactly the same in-your-face, over-bright sensation and I left quickly. I guess Krell is just not for me.