Krell k-300i vs Rega Osiris, integrated

This is a long shot, but I wonder if anyone has directly compared these two integrateds. The Krell operates primarily in class A. The Osiris, apparently not. I've heard the Krell and it has awesome power. I've never had the opportunity to hear the Osiris but people say it has unique qualities. I've been intrigued by the Osiris for years and I've come to realize that I will probably never hear it unless I buy it. 


Showing 1 response by akg_ca

I have the OSIRIS: it is a unique animal that I would characterize as a refined AND muscular 56 lb. beast, that is a pure 2-channel thoroughbred leader without the ancillary add-ons crammed in.

This thing is a brick. It’s crafted from aluminum and . It cranks out 160W into 8 ohms, increasing to 250W into 4 ohms.

Each channel has its own dedicated custom-made toroid transformer and the quad of Sanken 200W output transistors per channel means this behemoth has no problems driving any kind of load.

It has a direct pass-through option for any HT enthusiasts.