Krell K-300i vs. other integrated amps under 10k

I am looking for an integrated amp to drive my home theater L and R channels (Focal in wall with beryllium tweeters) as well listening to HIfFi using aforementioned speakers and possibly other speakers that I own. (SF Elipsa, Diapason, Focal utopia)

Options include MAC 7200 and Krell K300i and Hegel 360. I’m leaning to Krell.

I haven’t seen many reviews on the Krell, aside from Stereophile.

I’m unclear if Krell is a true Class A vs. class AB. There are reported overheating issues with this model, and it is reportedly voiced warmer than a classic Krell.

I won’t be able to audition either before buying.

I would appreciate any information on these amps especially pairing them to Focal beryllium tweeters.


Showing 2 responses by hgeifman

@ei001h, Based on my experience with the Luxman 590ax II Class A amp, my Hypex NCore NC400 Dual Mono Class D Power Amplifiers, my Mola Mola Kaluga Class D Mono Power Amplifiers (very disappointing), my SimAudio 700i V2 amp and my current Ayre X-5 Twenty amp, every amplifier has a different sound depending on it, the associated equipment, the source, music and your listening room. The only way to know what sounds great, is to listen using your components in your home. Obviously, I made some mistakes but, more important, I learned what sound I like and did not like.   

My friend said “my progression of gear were not expensive mistakes but rather a 'wonderful' learning experience.  It was an experience that only I could have in my home”.

I like my new Ayre AX-5 Twenty integrated amp very much.  The sound is different in that the sound is MORE natural and less 'exaggerated' than my previous amps. This is very hard to put into words. The sound is there with no artificial extra stuff around it.  The music is normal meaning it makes music, never adding color or stripping the musical recordings of their textures, feelings, and dynamics.  The music from the AX-5 Twenty amp is relaxed and smooth without sounding dark or laid-back. I hope this helps.