Krell come nobody likes em?

The same companies come up with Intergrateds...Classe, Plinius, Blue Circle, ML, SimAudio, YBA...just curious, how come no love for the Krell stuff? Is it harsh? Can somebody explain the sound to me? Don't hold any punchs, I didn't want to lure a bunch of Krell owners here and sugar coat there intergrateds.
Agree with Chazzbo. I owned Krell KAV300i and it was a good amp, typical old Krell sound.
New Krell KAV400ix is better than 300i but, problem is that many people compare them with FPB( like FPB450Mcx) series which is in another class...
KAV400ix is currently cheaper than most of its competition( Plinius 9100 and 9200, etc.). If you matched them(KAV400xi or 300i) carefully you will get good results.
the krell, like the mac, the accuphase,and a handfull of other brands like spectral etc., is an iconoclistic company that builds a wonderful product. they are never the flavor of the month and don't need to be. no offense to the other brands you've named, but they all would like to have the loyal 'cult-like' following of krell instead of the phony reviews take buy them a little more time in the spotlight.
I have earlier owned one Krell KAV 300i and then even created a bi-amplification with the addition of a Krell KAV 150a. These where VERY good products for the money. Althought the 150a is quite rare, you should be able to find a 300i on the second hand market for a very interesting price. The sound is full, good dynamic, although lack the finess of "real" (more expensive) amps.
My old krell used to drive German Isophon loudspeakers with good result. I even tried them on "Prodigy" from Martin Logan. Good combination, although these loudspeakers deserved better,...why I changed...
Have fun,
I owned one of the first Krell Integrateds and it basically sounded like a receiver. Sold it after 4 months. Not a Krell fan but I am sure their separates have to be much better. I would so hope anyway.

Krell built their reputation on pure class A amps that could double down and down again, with the ability to effectively drive some speakers that many others couldn't. Their intergrateds don't qualify on any of those levels. Ergo not a "real" Krell, and to many the sell out of a great name.