Krell FPB CX with Placette Passive Pre

Looking to hear from Krell FPB owners that are using these amps. with a passive Pre-Amp or Volumne control such as the placette.Thank You in Advance for your input.
Depends on which FPB model you have, sensitivity on the FPB's is on the low side. Also depends on your source output and speaker sensitivity. I use a Bent audio passive transformer volume control with my sony xa777es player. My speakers are VMPS Super tower/R's, 91db and 4ohm. My amp is Krell ksa-250, 2.2 volts for full output. Interconnects are Harmonic Tech. truth-links and one meter from source to passive, two meter from passive to amp. Speaker cables are 8 ft. Acoustic Zen Hologram. Input Impedance on my krell is 47k. This is a great sounding setup and volume level great at 12 O'clock and 2-3 O'clock is very loud in my room, room is 26 ft by 22 ft. Hope this helps a little.
I have owned many Krell amps (have 2 now) including the FPB series.

A passive preamp would technically work fine, but in my experience they perform best with Krell active preamps. With the "C" versions, if you can use it, it would be best to use a cast preamp. In my system, since I have the KBX active crossover, I can't use cast, so I use the KRC-HR. When I remove the preamp from the signal path and drove it directly, the sound was NOT as good.

I would drive by the Krell preamps, and get a good tube preamp. CAT/Hovland/VTL maybe etc.
Gentleman,I decided on the placette which i received today,
I will post my findings and opinions in about 4 weeks,
Equipment as follows:Placette passive Remote Volume control
Balanced configuration.Krell FPB 700CX Amplifier and source,Electrocompaniet EMC1 UP Signature Player.Speakers
B&W Nautilis 802.For pre-amp comparisons,I currently have the Krell KCT and the BAT 50SE tube preamp(Loaner).Thank You for Reading! JOSE