Krell FPB 300cx or Now?

My legendary, never even burped reliable Krell 300CX, purchased new in 2002, brought it up to Krell in CT 18 months ago  to replace caps (>100, >$1,000) and sounds better than ever. Pumps to Magico A3 and sings sings sings. But . . .
Is there any better these days without 2d Mortgage? PS Audio BHK Sig Stereo 250? Pass? Constellation? Or do I really want to divorce my beloved fidelity Krell and actually listen better? Are amps now surpassed?
Tell me, genies.

Showing 1 response by unsound

I haven’t heard the Constellation. IMHO, the only amps I’ve heard that might be clearly better are the Gryphons.  At much higher costs. I can’t imagine what similar maintenance might cost if you had to send it to Denmark. I suggest holding onto the Krell FPB.