Krell FPB 300cx enough to drive B&W Nautilus 801?

I'm about to purchase the Nautilus 801s, along with the Krell FPB 300cx amp. Would there be any significant improvement if I were to get the Krell 400cx instead? I emphasize the word significant, because price is a major issue. I know the 801s need power, so any opinions as to the sufficiency of the 300cx would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Again, thanks to everybody for taking the time. Very informative! I decided to go for the 400cx, and I expect to have everything in place within the next 10 days or so. I'll let you know how it sounds.
a 300 ids not enough power to for a pair of 801's. i know through experience. i owned a pair of 802 and started with a 300 and eventually moved up to a 600 and then upgraded to the 700. the 300 is a great amp, but not enough for a pair of 801's. good luck
I think the 300cx would be more than sufficient power to run the 801's. B&W's are fairly efficient, I have 802'S, same power requirement, and am running tube mono-blocks at 220w/channel. I am NOT lacking power, in fact I haven't turned turned the volume up past about 1/3rd. Unless you are driving music for a auditorium or concert hall the 300 would be fine.
The 300cx is PLENTY to drive the 901's to levels above 100db. How many people listen to music that loud? :O
I am a no count nobody from nowhere when it comes to Hi-Fi equipment, but I have been studying very much to understand how it all works. I am getting into it all and have purchased a set of B&W n802 just recently. To my understanding with all my research, I have discovered that the increase in watts pr channel isn't about more volume. It's about the quality of the sound at all volume levels.