Krell amps with tubed pre-amps

Suggestions and/or experiances with SS/TUBED combination. I own an FPB 200 and looking for tubed pre amp to match. ( $2000.00 used ). I know there is a minor adjustment needed inside all Krell amps if one is to match it with tubed gear. I'm not sure what specs the Krells like seeing in tubed pre amps. ie, impedence, output etc. Thanks!

Showing 2 responses by lwin

I am running a Sonic Frontiers Line3 into a pair of 250fpb mono's. To me you get the best of tubes & solid state doing it this way. The jumper in question is easy, does not affect the sound & provides an added measure of protection to the amp.. Larry W.
I have noticed that a lot of people are using this combination. Both products are built to a very high standard , they are reliable & together they make wonderful music. Larry W.