Krell 400xi Analogue source distortion

My system is a Krell 400xi, pair of Revel M-22 speakers and a Sony CD-player.
There was no problem in my system until I purchase a Thorens TD-295 turntable.
Thorens plays contemporary musics (e.g. Pop, Country) quite well, but when I play my classical music LPs (especially on the high peaks of the music) there is a huge amount of distortion that added to the music.
I guess the prolem is with the pre-amp circuit of the Krell, but if anyone has any other idea or some solution to solve this problem please help me.

I'd guess there's a mismatch between your cartridge and phono stage or a tonearm/cartridge alignment problem.
I forgot to say that I test my turntable and phono stage with another amp and speaker system (Marantz and Kef) and there was no distortion at all.