Krell 400 lntegrated

Just purchased a krell kav 400 integrated and wow what a revalation with my maggie 1.7s!Great sound.would like to hear from other owners of this lntegrated.


I too have owned this Krell for years. It sounds fantastic and has incredible power reserves, 200W into 8 ohms and 400W into 4 ohms! I had it serviced once by Krell when the credit card type remote stopped working. I talked to the service manager at Krell repair and he said this was one of his favorite Krell's. For what one would run you today used, as they do not make them anymore, I'm convinced from a power and SQ standpoint, it's hard to compete with. Able to reproduce delicate sonic subtleties without coloration while at live event sound levels keeping a vise-grip lock on your speakers. Hey, enjoy, you found a real jewel! Designed and made in the USA to boot!
I may be in the market for this integrated- guys.

what other gear, including Cabling, is in your systems g11 and grm?
I'm running the krell with first generation audio magic sorcerer speaker cables and interconnects great cables by the way and a arcane fmj cd 33 player and a VIP scout turntable with a grado sonata cartridge and my Maggie 1.7s

I read the above links and despite "test-bench" measurements, I can only say this is a very good sounding and powerful Amp. With that said though, when listening at live performance volumes, the amp does get very hot. My speakers are rated to be 8 ohms nominal, I don't know what they dip to, but if your Thiel's (I owned a set of 3.5's) dip into the 2 ohm range, then listening at live performance volumes for long periods may cause you to blow a fuse. But this never happened to me. If you go just by the reviews, your Thiel's may not be the best match with this amp (if you listen mostly at live performance volumes).

My system is:
Krell KAV 400XI
Sonus Faber Electa Speakers
Sunfire HRS 1000W Sub-woofer
Cambridge AZUR 840C CDP/DAC
Sony SCD C2000ES SACD Player
Wadia 171i Dock with CIA upgraded PS
Luxman T117 Tuner
Rock Grotto Modified MF headphone amp
Kimber Silver Streak throughout, balanced and SE
Sennheiser HD600 headphones
Home brew PC Gaming rig with high quality sound card streaming TIDAL
Hi, facten.

The CIAudio Wadia Dock power supply was purchased through "Music-Direct" some time ago, it was not cheap, around $250??. But it's a hefty unit and comes with the cable that plugs into the Wadia. It is a linear PS, not digital, so no squeaking and provides both hefty current delivery and voltage regulation, my ears tell me it was worth the extra $$. You do need to provide your own power cord for it, where I am using a budget Nordost  cord. 
Txs, will see if someone still carries it , not hopeful given Wadia doesn't make 171 anymore
IMHO, at the very least not ideal. The Krell 400 is a sturdy integrated and more capable than most, but very few integrateds are fully up to driving your CS 2.4SE's. Those speakers are almost begging for separates, and very robust ones at that.
Unsound is right IMO.  Better yet a tube preamp with a solid state amp.  I always used a tube preamp with my Thiels and it provided the fleshing out of the midrange I was looking for.  Kathy Gornik of Thiel used to say that she never heard a Thiel speaker that didn't sound better with a tube preamp.

Brands that come to mind are BAT, CJ, Belles, Gamut and Modwright.  Add some MIT or Transparent cables and you're set.  Get them CS 2.4SE of yours fired up Jafant.  Good luck and keep us posted.