Krell 300IL integrated or Marsh seperates?

I own B&W speakers. CDM9NTs. I'm looking at these two combos as an amp. choice. Any comments of feedback re: comparisions? Also, I think I might add the new McCormack gear in the mix. Thanks.
Lgregoir, can you describe the differences you heard between the Krell 300iL and the YBA Integrated?
Could not resist writting this...

Try a YBA Passion Integrated before you buy the 300IL... I had a chance to audition side by side and there is a world of difference...

just my 2 cents...
Hello....I'm not familiar with the Marsh gear but I have owned the original krell kav 300i and just bought the 300il.If your into simplicity and great performace go with the new krell.I love this integrated a much smoother more powerfull version with a new look and feel that make it best in class for my money.If your thinking of the McCormack separates I can highly recommend one of the original DNA series with one of Steve's upgrades.Fantastic amps,great value.