Koetsu Urushi + MC step up transformer

After years of listening to my Koetsu Urushi fed directly into the 47K MM input of a Conrad Johnson PF1 I have started using a step up transformer. It is built around a pair of Lundahl transformers and I have tried some different loading resistors but I find the sound is quite harsh and has lost some of the air and space it had before.

I was told that the transformers would need 50-100 hours of bedding in and they would loose the harshness... Hmmm. I've never been a great believer in the burn-in philosophy for entirely passive components - like bits of wire - will a MC transformer burn-in to any extent or should I continue playing with the loading to find the best match or just toss the whole thing out the window?

Showing 1 response by jhv111

I have used the exact Lundahl transformers that you are using. In the past, I've not been a big fan of "burning in". However, with the Lundahl's, you will notice a MARKED improvement at about 100 hours. If you want to speed the process - hook the outputs of a cd player with the inputs of the transformer. Hope this helps.