Know of a "Dirt Cheap" tweak?

I am looking for tweaks to improve the overall sound quality of my audio system. I recently purchased some TPC contact cleaner and it made a believer out of me. I noticed a signicant improvement, as if a veil was lifted my system sounded more clear and transparent. Bass got tighter too. Do you know of any cheap tweaks that have made a SIGNIFICANT improvement to the sound quality of your Hifi system...let us know... :-) Comments welcomed!

Showing 5 responses by dekay

Vibrapods and a sheet of MDF or a Maple cutting board under the CD player are a cheap must do. I will be trying Mapleshade's Tenderfeet in a few days which are about the same price as the Pods. Keeping cables seperate and off of carpet and other surfaces as mentioned. My speaker cables run across the bottom of a doorway so I built a two channel box out of pine and brass screws to run them through (cut out the carpet and pad and cover it with a cotton rug that was always there). I hang my speaker wires with cloth ribbon from the bottom of standard bookshelves that are behind the speakers. I am also fanatical in regard to achieving the best speaker placement, which is free, within my limitations, as it makes loads of difference. If you have not tried isolation devices on the CD player though, start with the Vibrapods for $24.00, they greatly improved the sound of my old CAL player. Craig at Vibrapod will give you good advice on the setup. Oh, and Gthirteen is a real wierdo, just ask him what he does with the Planter's Peanut packs and the barf bag.
Good go Blake: Now you make me want to tweak my tweak as I just used peel off stick on tile that I found behind the fridge when having linoleum installed. I need to power eveything down to work on my cabinet in a couple of weeks and will try it on my CAL player this time instead of the cheap mini system and let you know what happens. The CAL is somewhat brick like already, but you never know til you try. I like the carpet tape, which should be pretty easy to remove and clean off with a solvent if I need to remove the tile.