klipshorn speakers

awile back i posted that my son is looking for a speaker that will shake his room.he is buying a klipshorn. is this a good choice??

Showing 4 responses by sns

Hope you're aware Klipschorn can run on as little as a couple watts, 300w of 7300 is complete overkill. I'd never like Klipschorns with high powered solid state amp, but then I'm sensitive to things like timbre, tonality. I run my highly modded Klipschorns with SET and push pull tube amps, much more sympathetic partnering imo.
I don't consider Klipshcorns to be head banger speaker, really need subs for that kind of bass. Yes, they'll get plenty loud, but might run you right out of room, in stock form they can get shouty at loud volumes. They also need proper corner placement with extreme care in getting speakers to seal with wall for maximum bass output, they also want a larger room for optimum sound quality. While I love my Klipshcorns, I'd not recommend these for what I presume you're looking for.
Klipschorns can produce wonderful dimensional imaging if set up properly and fed with the right equipment. My other speakers are Merlin VSM-MM, highly modified with Duelund VSF caps in crossover, bam modded with far too many boutique parts to go through here. Even stock, the Merlins are image champs, very much part of Bobby's design intention. My Klipschorns image as well or better than the Merlins, wonderful 3D center image and plenty of depth, Merlins only superior in that they 'disappear' to a greater extent. Mid freq material does 'stick' to the mouth of mid horn to some extent. Keep in mind my Klipshcorns are highly modded, but I do recall even in stock form imaging was not the problem. I've also been through single driver, open baffle speaker ownership, imaging is extremely important to me, Klipschorns can image, total falsehood they can't. Yes, stock Klipschorns do have imaging liabilities in the sense of driver placement, horn mouth, room placement limitations, amazing they image as well as they do. My modded Klipschorns excel in this department.

Agan, I just don't see Klipschorns as head banger speakers, yes they do macro dynamics, but so do lots of speakers. The special thing about Klipschorns are the MICRO DYNAMICS, even in stock form never heard such immediacy, the sense of live performers in room. Add SET and their inherent sense of the same and you get magic. But superior micro dynamics and loudness brought about by extreme efficiency doesn't add up to head banger speaker.

I will modify my original negative comment about them not being head banger speakers, In the sense that I don't  see Klipschorns as rocker speakers, in stock form I don't believe they do well with metal, or hard rock, bass not done justice for this type music, too round, lack of control, won't be doing the slam thing. They'll do much better with electronic dance music, bass will be harder hitting, synthesized bass works much better, you can get some slam here. Subs will be needed to reach EDM lower bass frequencies.

Now, my modded Klipshcorns can do any genre of music well, just this weekend listening to Alice Cooper, Love it to death, an album I hadn't listened to in years, never heard it so alive and compelling in my life, brought me back to my young adolescent self! And EDM played on my system would certainly entice a dance party. 
The major problem with the Klipschorn in stock form is timbre, tonality, they simply lack the naturalness required for long term listening pleasure, even at a party. I'd expect they would initially blow a party crowd away, but over time fatigue would set in. I'll reiterate mids will begin to shout, mids bothered me in stock form within minutes. Better supply lots of beer and other mind altering substances so listener fatigue doesn't set in! Perhaps your son has heard about the new fad of house concerts using Klipschorns, many double stacked. Around where I live the people giving these concerts are more about various folk genres, perhaps some EDM mixed in. These are generally not head banging concerts, they are house based, moderate volume, even in student housing areas they can only play so loud for so long.
I totally get why many don't like Klipschorns and/or any horn loudspeakers. Improper horn design and materials, driver and driver placement liabilities, crossover component liabilities, room placement liabilities. Add it up, you got problems, redesign and upgrade components you get natural, live performers in room with you. Inherently superior micro dynamic performance is font of magic from horns, add proper timbre and speaker alignment, sympathetic system matching, proper room, proper placement in room, get every i dotted and t crossed, you get sublime!
Bottom line, for me Klipschorns are a speaker with enough inherent goodness to draw you in, but with enough flaws to drive you away. I get the polarized response to the speaker, I guess some can hear past the flaws, others can't. Being an inveterate modder I saw the flaws as fertile ground for improvement and the inherent positive qualities as motivation to fix the flaws.
mijostyn, yeah sure, I've never heard real three dimensional imaging. How would you know, have you been here in my listening room? Also, I did state imaging of STOCK Klipschorn was SURPRISING,  taking in account it's design liabilities.

My Klipschorns are most definitely not stock, only the bass cabinet remains stock, they image spectacularly, performers in room illusion.  Some of the mods I've done are available to anyone, they can improve the imaging of Klipschorn.

Also, in the realm of someone looking for speakers that will shake the room, when did imaging become important? I didn't bring up that aspect of performance, simply responding to you.
I assume I could get my Klipschorns to measure better with digital processor, but at the cost of colorations of that processor, nothing that signal passes through doesn't have sound signature. I don't want a single change here from the status quo. And whats not to like in my ss or imaging department, illusion of live performers in room. Life size, fully dimensional, height, width, depth all in proper proportion, well defined on sound stage. Sound stage spreads across room,  far into room, well past my listening position, the only thing missing I've heard with previous setups and speakers is that sound stage doesn't extend outside and behind  speakers on front wall, Klipschorn required placement impinges on this.

Most importantly, I don't have to work at all in order to imagine this, this is the sound quality I get from each and every listening session and it lasts over many hours, five and six hour listening sessions not uncommon. I'll remain satisfied until we get visual 3 dimensional holograms to go along with our music. And I'm not saying my imaging couldn't possibly get better, but why would one feel the need to change out something that isn't a problem.
Back to the point of this thread. OP reiterates his son only cares about loud, Klipschorn with 300 watts will provide that! The issue then becomes whether the drivers can handle that wattage without frying. For sure you'd need  a Kipschorn with the tweeter protection circuit, not all have it. Next I'd be worried about mid driver, diaphragms on stock Klipschorn drivers are pretty fragile, especially on a vintage Klipschorn. Don't know if new production has increased durability?