Klipsch vs Infinity

Infinity Irs Gamma vs Klipschorns. Which would you choose and why. 


Showing 2 responses by mrdecibel

@auxinput.......Khorns are full range horns, not just the mids and tweeters. @rvito . I, too, recommend the Khorns. However, they are quite far apart ( 17 ), and based on your listening seat, you could get a " hole in the middle ". My rule would be that you sit far enough away that you can see the center of both mid horns ( the grills come off ), and then experiment, sit a little forward, sit a little back, to achieve the presentation you prefer. The Khorns do determine your listening seat, because of the corner placement. They are hard to beat, imo. I lived with a pair for over a year, but in my particular room at that time, I could not get them right. I have opted to use Lascalas, with subs, because I am no longer restricted with placement. The Khorns are better than Lascalas / subs, but again, Khorns are very room dependent. I am not looking to scare you or anything of that nature. I am just trying to help. Enjoy ! MrD.
Tomic601....Yes, this was when the audio was monaural. I do not agree. I do not know anyone having this " single center " today in a stereo 2 channel set up. Maybe a pair of Cornwalls, keeping the L & R independent.  Enjoy ! MrD.