@stinkydog, Never really heard the smallish R-41M, except in a huge Best Buy showroom, and that did no justice. Many a Klipsch have passed through my hands and currently own several. Their true Reference(not current Best Buy versions) really pack a punch for their size and does not take much power to drive the well. No in home experience with these Best Buy models so really can't say how well they perform. I have read that they are pretty decent for their price. Bill |
You want the ultimate Klipsch "bookshelf" speakers, get a pair of these. https://minneapolis.craigslist.org/ank/ele/d/shafer-klipsch-reference-bookshelf/6887539158.html I have owned a pair in cherry for at least 4 years and they are not leaving my house. If that is a stretch, look at used RB-61s, RB-51s, or new RP-600Ms. Bill |