KLaudio or Degritter Mark II

Just curious to know if anyone out there has used both the KLaudio ultrasonic record cleaning machine and the Degritter Mark II (or the original Degritter) and which you thought achieved the best or better results.

I've got a lash-up ultrasonic cleaning system that I've put together which costs significantly less than the original Degritter. The end result I get with my lash-up system is, at least, as effective as the original Degritter but significantly more labor intensive. The Degritter is much more eloquent in this regard, which is its allure. I know the KLaudio is twice the price, but I'm much more interested in optimum results.



Showing 1 response by vortrex

Keep in mind the Degritter might be half the cost of the KL but I believe the life expectancy of the KL is much greater than the Degritter (according to some power user shops using them). In the end the price per clean with KL is likely less than the Degritter assuming you will clean that many records. I went from orig KL to Degritter mk1 to KL 200T. I preferred the Degritter to original KL but the 200T to the Degritter. The 200T is easier to use and takes less time. Both offer great results.