Kiseki Purpleheart

I currently have an Ortofon Cadenza Bronze. I'm thinking about a switch to the Kiseki Purpleheart.
In this price range-3K..what other carts should I consider?
Associated gear- Pass XP-17- Pass Int-60- Martin Logan Montis-VPI Prime Signature
I want to stay with a Low Output/MC...but would consider a Moving Iron.
Any thoughts or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by moofoo

I have the VPI Prime and have used both a regular Soundsmith Zephyr And SS Zephyr MIMC Star, both track and sound great in my system. For a while you could get great deals on both before the latest models came out. Not sure if still the case. I think the regular Zephyr was made for unipivot arms. The SS website worth reading if considering these. I had both retipped by SS before the warranty ran out. Had no problems at all before or after retip. Just wanted to extend life and have one as a backup without buying completely new carts. Hope this helps.