Kinki studio EX-M1, EX-M1+ differences... vs Denafrips Hestia/ Hyperion combo?

I've been reading up on some Integrated Amps and Pre-Amp/Amp combos lately but have some questions.

The following is an excerpt from SoundStageHifi:
The original EX-M1 was introduced in 2017. The newly updated EX-M1 — without the “+” — costs $2398 and includes, among other things, changes in the power supply, capacitance, and the volume control, the latter now using a MUSES72320 controller instead of the previous relay-based control. The EX-M1+ is essentially identical to the upgraded EX-M1, but adds a preamp-stage output and a home-theater bypass to entirely bypass the preamp stage.

That last sentence has me a little confused. 
"The EX-M1+ is essentially identical to the upgraded EX-M1" - What is the "upgraded" EX-M1?  Does this mean that the latest version of the EX-M1 has all the updates that they just covered preceding this statement?

The 2nd half of the statement says " but adds a preamp-stage output and a home-theater bypass to entirely bypass the preamp stage." - You'll have to excuse my ignorance.  Does this mean that I can add a pre-amp in the future and use the EX-M1+ as a Power Amp?  Also, does this mean that I cannot add a pre-amp to the EX-M1 (non-plus)?

At this time, I don't have hard to drive speakers, and I don't foresee having something like that anytime soon, so I was also considering the Denafrips Hestia/Hyperion combo.  I haven't seen any reviews comparing these 2 company's offerings... any feedback is appreciated.


I've used the EX-M7 with both the Supratek Chardonnay via XLR and the Don Sachs Model 2 via RCA and had no problems with either. The problems that Srajen had when he tried both his Nagra and later his Vinnie Rossi preamps had to due with the type of tube regulated power supply they use. You should have no issues with your preamp. The EX-M7 is a single ended amp and the XLR inputs are strictly convenience. I use them so I don't have to swap cables out if I substitute in the BHK 250 which is fully balanced.
Thanks Jack, you were spot on. I received my new EX-M7 a couple of weeks ago and it has had no issues being paired with my Herron VTSP3 tube preamp. 

Fresh out of the box the M7 sounded promising but a little flat and stiff. From around 15 to 35 hours it started to sound better but there was some glare/hardness. Now at 48 hours the glare is gone and it is starting to sound seriously good. Dynamics and leading edges are so quick and snappy yet totally realistic. Strings, horns, pianos, vocals are all so utterly natural sounding, electric guitars are amazing. There is a wonderful purity and lifelikeness to everything. A natural warmth, weight, organicness, immediacy and vitality, even juiciness at times. Surprisingly (to me), I'm not missing my tube amp at all. I haven't reconnected my sub yet but the depth, weight, texture and growliness of bass is making it easy for me to wait until the EX-M7 is fully burned in before doing so.

The combination is significantly better than the EX-M1 I had previously. The EX-M1 was impressive in ticking off the requirements on the audiophile list but couldn't quite get me to believe that I was listening to real music and to just relax and drink it in. This combo does that easily and consistently.

My floorstanders are rated 93dB/8R (the same as your Otellos) and I still have a little too much gain overall. The DAC is 2.5v from SE output, the Herron VTSP-3 tube preamp is 8dB gain on the low gain setting, the EX-M7 is 26dB gain (tube amp was 29dB). Room is approx 440sq.ft and open to other rooms but even with Harrison Labs -12dB inline attenuators on the EX-M7 SE inputs, my loudest listening level is typically between 35 and 45 (out of 100).

I would love to hear the Athena (unity gain) with the EX-M7 in this system as it would drop the overall gain and its fully balanced design would enable me to use my Spring DAC's balanced outputs (which Spring owners claim sound better). As the VTSP-3 is quite neutral and non-tubey sounding anyway, I probably wouldn't lose any "tube sound" but the lower noise floor may improve details, dynamics and immediacy even further.

Has anyone here tried an Athena with the Kinki EX-M7, or compared Athena to Kinki EX-P27? 

Jack, do you have any excess gain issues with the EX-M7 and your Otellos?


No I haven’t had any excess gain issue with the Supratek/Kinki combo. The Supratek has adjustable gain from 0-26db and I have it set at the halfway mark or about 13db.

If you're willing to look at an SS alternative I would recommend the W4S STP-SE Stage 2.  

Has anyone here tried an Athena with the Kinki EX-M7, or compared Athena to Kinki EX-P27? 

Did this about a month ago. Brought my speakers, power amp and a dac around to the local dealer. I was looking for a preamp.

The dealer had a big and expensive pair of Wilsons. I brought in custom made speakers consisting of a 10 inch constant directivity horn with compression driver for the higher frequencies and a 10 inch driver for mid bass duties. These are high efficiency and flat to 40 Hz.

The main source was a Soundaware D300REF. The main dac was a Terminator Plus with Gaia.

Tried the Athena with the Apollo. Sound was ok, but lacked detail and depth. Recessed and dark.

Took out the Apollo and put in my 6CA7 amp. Sounded much better. Detailed, natural and good soundstage.

Took out my amp and put in an EX-M7. That sounded great. Everything was better. Big and deep soundstage, detailed, dynamic, meat on the bones and great bass. Real "you are there" stuff. Did not know my speakers could do that.

Took out the Athena and put in an EX-P27. Backward step. Not much better that the Athena with the Apollo.

We tried different dacs and speakers, as well as every combination of the two preamps and three power amps mentioned above. The clear and obvious winning combination was the Denafrips Athena with the Kinki Studios EX-M7.

I like the idea of matching equipment. I went in thinking the Athena would go with the Apollo and that the EX-P27 would go with the EX-M7. For me, it did not turn out that way. Hope this helps.

P.S. We listened to lots of different music that day. A big surprise for me was that "Here Comes The Sun" is a great recording. Sounded awesome. Guess you just need the right gear to notice.