Kind of Wow and Flutter.

So, I'm listening to my 6 eyed copy of KOB  and became increasingly bothered by obvious speed fluctuations and began looking at my tables belt as an issue. I check the speed stability and everything seemed fine. Went back to listen and it was still there. 

I then tried my second table and again it was there. Can it be that both my tables have issues? I then decided to Google KOB Wow and Flutter and apparently this recording is known to have issues. 

I can barely stand to listen to it, hearing the obvious problem. I've heard that there was a recent post production correction of this. Anyone know of what vinyl copy I can get that cleaned up this issue?


Showing 3 responses by raymonda

No my copies are not off centered. I thought I was going crazy and ruled our everything in my system, which is why I google it and I came across Steve Stones article, Read here

This set my mind at rest in regards to my system but now it makes it difficult to listen with out noticing it.
I was always aware that the speed was off but the annoyance of wow and flutter has now come to light. I can handle something a bit slow or fast but shifting pitch is bothersome.

Onhwy61 and tomwh,

I'm not being critical of KOB and I didn't say Stone's article was responsible for my search for a wow and flutter corrected version. If you read my ;post I had asked if anyone knew of what vinyl pressing I can purchase that has the corrections made.

What came first was my noticing it, ruling out any problems with my tables and then an internet search that verified the problem was with the original recording.

And yes, now that it notice it, it does make it less enjoyable, which is why I am searching for a corrected copy of this artistic masterpiece. If it doesn't bother you that is fine.

I'm not asking for you to burn your copies and shout from the mountain tops that the king has no clothes. I'm just in search of a corrected copy.