**** I see the act of describing a “genre” (and the subsequent stringent segregation and put-everything-in-a-box attitude) as being useful only to a person for whom doing so helps them maximize their profits (corporate marketing execs, radio station programming execs, etc.). ****
Couldn’t disagree more. It is useful to many avid listeners and doing so does not suggest that these listeners are incapable of talking about music in an insightful way. Quite the contrary. There is no “mongering” involved. You seem to have a deep aversion to classification. That works for you. Fine. However, as exemplified by your list of “acceptable” ways to talk about music and given how personal/subjective descriptions can be, there are times when it’s best to let the music do the talking. So, along those lines and to get back to the OP’s question, here is one of my very favorites. Sadly little known:
Btw, love KOB. Great and important record.