Kimber Palladian power cord vs. Non Palladian...

I have 2 Kimber Palladian PK10 power cords. I love them. I'm curious, has anyone compared the "Non Palladian" model to the "Palladian" cord? The wire and wattegate plugs are the same. The difference is that mysterious foot long "thing" in the middle (and about $700 new)

I've compared the Kimber Palladian to FIM Gold, Shunyata Python and Trans Ref xl. I like the Kimbers alot.

Just curious, thanks.

Showing 2 responses by rja

That "thing", it looks like a giant burnt bratwurst with a cable running through it. I've wondered what that "thing" is made of and what it does. I've read nothing but good things about the cable, even HP likes it. But no one has ever explained the "sausage" adequately which begs the question; does anyone know?
If the 2 cables are identicle except for the "sausage", then that's one expensive "sausage" figuring that its cost is the difference between the 2 cables. Even more reason to have some minimal understanding of the "sausage" function.