Kimber cable - good or bad?

Krell 600c
Revel F30

Thinking about a good speaker cable, Monocle XL or Bifocal but gets differing reviews, thought you guys might shed some light or recommend alternatives?

Thanks for the help
I am curious to know what kind of interconnects you are using ? I am using Kimber KCAG and KS-1038 between amp and preamp and what a difference they make!!!!!!! I have 8TC on the speaker cable end and for the most part the things that made the most difference in my system was the addition of a Levinson transport and the Kimber silver cable !
Thanks guys for all the responses, I live in the Middle East and rely on outside info to make qualified decisions. I am using KCAG interconnects but am thinking of upgrading as well.
I have had nice results using Kimber's 8TC cable with a Classe CA-150 amp and Magnepan speakers. More than any other product, cables, in my opinion, tend to quickly reach a point of rapidly diminishing return with regard to the rapidly escalating price that manufacturers ask for them. The trick seems to be finding that "sweet spot" in a price/performance ratio that works with a particular system of components. For me, the 8TC does the job.