Kimber 8TC with Energy Connoisseur C-9s?

I'm looking to find a quality speaker cable to connect to my Energy Connoisseur C-9s. They are NOT bi-wireable, and have 3 6.5" woofers... I've read that the Kimber 8TCs don't do well with the "low end" spectrum. I will be hooking them up to an Integra DTR 5.4 HT receiver. They'll be 6' in length. Are these cables a good choice, or am I wasting my $$$?

Showing 1 response by pops

I disagree that 8TC's sound lightweight - they don't add any bloom so it depends on your equipment. They have plenty of low end when used in my system - Classe to Thiel 3.6. In fact, I tried a double run because I had a brain fart and took advice from a stereophile reviewer and the bass became boomy and the HF detail and air went missing. Try before dropping more money than might be necessary...