Kii3 vs Raidho XT-1

Did anyone listen to either the Kii3 or the Raidho XT-1 at the 2018 Axpona? If so, what are your thoughts. Is one better than the other?
The Raidho’s.  
Monkey because that’s not a fair comparison. Between a cream of the crop $8.5K passive speaker and a cream of the crop $11.5K powered speaker, the passive will of course be better.  
However, will you have DSP in the system? Because the boundary gains and whatnot that the Kii will offer are of benefit, especially if using them as nearfiel monitors, as intended.
Absolutely Raidho. The Kii is an awesome speaker but Raidho is something seriously special.

They're such different speakers though, obviously.
I listened to both and came away much more impressed by the Raidho.  Part of that could have been expectations - I'd heard raves about the Kii, and while I'd heard some good things about Raidho that company was much more of a blank slate for me.

The Kii has much more bass output, and it has the benefit of all of the electronics built-in, but I thought the Raidho had a much better top-end, better imaging, disappeared more readily, and just sounded better overall.

Plus, with the difference in cost between the two you could easily pair the Raidhos with the necessary electronics and a subwoofer and still come out ahead.