Kickstarter for "The Turn" on vinyl - question

I want to thank all members here who have been backing my Kickstarter project to press "The Turn" on vinyl, asking me questions and encouraging me. I very much value your support.

I have a question for you: at this point, I was planning on spreading the album (56:10 minutes) over 3 sides. I could also conceivably make it 4 sides. It would be a bit more expensive but might sound better. Some have raised that very point. Any thoughts?

FYI, the Kickstarter is progressing nicely but I still need some backers. It's 49% funded with 14 days to go and I hope I will make it. I have been encouraged by the feedback I got in the audiophile community, here and as far as Australia. I have been reaching out to some in the audiophile press and they have expressed interest in the project. I am hoping they will write about it soon.

The Kickstarter is here:

"The Turn" also just got a great review in DownBeat:

Please let me know what you think about the 3 sides versus 4 sides question. This seems to be an issue for some potential backers and I am considering updating the Kickstarter to make the album officially 4 sides.

I am still happy to send 2 tracks for free to anyone here who wants to hear them, at 192/24, 44/24 or 44/16. Just let me know.

Thanks a lot!


Jerome Sabbagh

Showing 1 response by jperry

Interesting question. If the sound is better I would prefer 4 sides. If the sound is the same take a look at the Black Dub album, which is 3 sides, with the 4th embossed with a pattern. I am already one of your backers and wish you success with your Kickstarter project.

I like the music and hope more Audiogon readers sign up for this.