Kharma sub set up confusion

I have just taken delivery of the 3.2 FEs and 1.0 sub. The Kharma booklet is of NO help to me in setting up the sub. It seems to assume a fairly high level of understanding of things like Hi- Ord,Equ- nr etc etc. Has anyone put together an idiots guide ? if so i would be very gratefull.All help and comments appreciated.
Dear Willsandbills,
Why have you not contacted your local dealer, distributor or Kharma on this? Most willing to help!

try these (standard) values:
input level:

hp-frq: 15 Hz
hp-ord: 12 dB/Oct
lp-frq: 65 Hz
lp-ord: 12 dB/Oct

equ-nr: 1
equ-frq: 27 Hz
equ-qal: 0,5
equ-gain: +4 dB

EQ 2 and 3: no EQ-gain (set to 0dB)

Please send me an e-mail to let me know if this is helpful.

Martijn, Kharma / OLS
I wouldlike to extend my sincere thnks to the experts at Kharma for helping me out. Indeed on one occasion when I had beed advised to receive a call from a technical person, it was the owner of Kharma on the phone to apologise that the tech expert was off sick for a few days, now thats service. I would like to extend a personal thanks to Marco for being so patient and getting me on the road to success. Its down to me now to play around with the settings.
Also I would like to thank Doug, Bob and Jonathan from A,gon who all helped me to try and understand what I should be doing ( i hope i havent forgotten anyone.) willie